It looks like new adventures are on the horizon for me, at least that is the dream.
I have come to a spot where I don't have any excuse not to be a fulltime crafter, because....
I work very part time and my mac just crashed, so I have more time on my hands so that I am not distracted by facebook or the internet, although most of the time I truly am using it for research. ;)
I grew up thrifting with my mom and grandma, before it was ever cool. We ate organic, bought in bulk, I always immersed myself in my art to create a world to escape to.
I have come to the conclusion that life is a masterpiece that we all paint. We can create something beautiful around us, or get overwhelmed with the troubles and things that can bog us down.
I think I heard a quote once that said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." For me this has helped take the pressure off myself. I want to do something in the world, something big, not for fame or celebrity. But to affect in my lifetime something.
I think the change I want to bring is through my art.
If I can bring a journal into someone's life that causes that person to write down their innermost feelings, thoughts, experiences and document them... then I have affected change.
If I can redo a piece of furniture, that makes a monochromatic home feel alive.. I can affect change.
If I create a piece of art, that makes someone smile...I can affect change.
If I give and put love into every piece I create or find, then that person will feel that love.
My friend Courtney said, "How a photographer sees you is how the picture will turn out." I believe that as an artist the emotion that you are connecting with what you are making is evoked.
Okay I just had to get that all that out's late and thoughts swirling in my head like a carousel...
I decided to be a better artist, designer, creator, etc that there are a few things that I need to tackle.
First and foremost.
I am deathly afraid of zippers, have never known how to put one in correctly every time I have they came out bad. So that is a goal this year is to learn how to put one in. I think I may even have to create this amazing zipper flower I found.
I want to do three photo shoots a year, not wanting to model necessarily but create the setting and all the objects within the photoshoot.
Here is one of my past shoots, in another blog, you may have seen.
I absolutely know that I need to learn to screen print. I want to create my own textiles.
For now I am focusing, on working on creating, seeking and gathering things to make my etsy shop all that I hope it could be.
Here are some more fun finds:
Oh yes I am also working on creating my official logo right now, with my fabulous friend Courtney Jade. That should be finished by next week.
But for now check out some more packaging for the items I sell.